

The elPetit Festival and the laSala Creation Center believe in the Arts as a tool for social transformation and in the right of children to experience art with their families, especially those deprived of freedom. Through the "Art and Penitentiary Centers" project, they aim to strengthen family bonds between children and their imprisoned mothers and fathers, through art both inside and outside prisons. The project, which began in 2021 with two penitentiary centers, expanded in 2024 to include more prisons. Its goals include universalizing access to art, raising awareness and destigmatizing the reality of families with imprisoned members, reducing criminal recidivism, and promoting inclusive and quality artistic experiences.

More information and developed activities.


Penitentiary Centers: Brians 2, Quatre Camins and De Dones de Barcelona (Wad-Ras)
Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya

BABEL– or The Art of Listening in TYA

A large-scale European cooperation project, which pursues the rights of children and young people to full cultural citizenship, and aims to investigate the process of communication, intercultural dialogue, and mutual understanding, and more broadly, performing arts for young audiences.

Video BABEL in elPetit 2023



Period: 2023 – 2025


Erasmus+ European project to exchange experiences and strategies in relation to the impact of the Arts on the cultural health of neighborhoods, especially those that are socially complex and at risk of exclusion. The final objective of the project is to develop a strategic plan of cultural, social and educational impact in the district to be implemented in the period (2023-2025).The multidisciplinary team led by laSala includes professionals from the Calvet d’Estrella Nursery School, the Calvet d’Estrella Early Childhood and Primary School, the Northern Library and the Department of Culture, Social Action and Civil Rights of Sabadell City Council.


Compagnie ACTA (França)Starcatchers (Escòcia)2TURVENHOOG (Holanda)laSala elPetit (Catalunya)

Period: 2021-2024


European Erasmus+ research project on the interstices between artists, teachers and children with the aim of bringing high-quality contemporary art closer to nursery school, early childhood education and primary school, improving the creativity and critical thinking of children and promote opportunities to participate in cultural experiences, reducing inequalities in their access following three principles: interaction, participation and democracy in educational contexts.Related to laSala’s training project, ‘Teachers in movement’.


UAB (Catalunya)
Universitat de Stavanger (Noruega),
Universitat de Bath (Regne Unit) i Universitat de Bologna (Itàlia) i laSala | elPetit (Catalunya).

Period: 2020 – 2023


El Meu Primer Festival de Cinema, elPetit, FLIC Festival and La Setmana de l’Àlbum are four festivals that, in recent years, have become essential on the agendas of catalan families with cultural concerns and a desire to experience quality artistic proposals.

FamíliaFest brings together all the information, the calendar and the links so that you can choose proposals for the performing, cinematographic, performative and literary arts. Everything, for family audiences and for professionals who are dedicated to it.


International European network specialized in Performing Arts 0 to 5 years with 91 associated entities from 37 different countries.